Daisuke Takeya

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Daisuke Takeya



Born and raised in Japan, Daisuke Takeya obtained a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Graduate School of Figurative Art at the New York Academy of Art and received Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the School of Visual arts in the States. Currently based in Toronto, Canada, Daisuke has had numerous solo and group exhibitions in Japan, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom, Spain, the United States, and Canada. Venues have included the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Fukushima Contemporary Art Biannual 2012, the Japan Foundation, Toronto, the Embassy of Japan in Canada, Nuit Blanche (Toronto), Seoul Auction, Pouch Cove Foundation, SVA Gallery, Wagner College Gallery, Mori Art Museum, Roppongi Hills Club, Kyoto Art Center, Sezon Art Program/ Sezon Museum of Modern Art, Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Tate Tokyo Residency, and the Prince Takamado Gallery at the Embassy of Canada in Japan.

Daisuke has co-directed and performed at Ashita: Artists for Japan, a Tsunami Relief Fundraiser in March, 2011, which featured the visual, music, dance, performance, and literary art communities of Toronto. Daisuke is also a past programming director and board member of Gendai Gallery, and is currently an artist and ambassador of ARTBOUND and co-director of DAICHI Projects.

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